1. Top definition
          not this, often used when pointing at something
          Can i have that? No, not this, that.
          by King of yesterday July 29, 2006
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          Jul 6 Word of the Day
          Phrase meaning that a deceased cannot rest in peace until society changes due to the circumstances of a death.
          People said rest in power for the unarmed man had been shot by the police.
          by FooBarBiz October 12, 2017
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          A universal measurement, can be used for almost anything.
          A way of measuring the extent of adverb.
          Man 1: Whoa, what happened to you?
          Man 2: Hangover. Man, I was THAT drunk last night.

          Kid: Dude, you should see my new English teacher's legs, they are THAT hot!

          by Mr Damage February 19, 2008
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          1. What to look at on a curvy girl:
          T - Thighs
          H - Hips
          A - Ass
          T - Tits

          2. Can also be used as an exaggeration of beauty.
          1. Guy 1: "Ey, what're you lookin' at?"
          Guy 2: "That. (T.H.A.T.)"
          2. Guy : "DAYUM, look at that!"
          by some kid that plays games 45.6 November 02, 2016
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          Is not a word, you dumb fucknuts. In the category of every other misspelled word, including "it's" "you're" and "they're"
          Thats= NOTHING!
          That's= That is
          Bob: Thats pretty cool
          Sue: It's "that's pretty cool," you illiterate fuck
          by Erica :] September 03, 2006
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          used to define a certain individual, or object that is the ideal of a particular type of class/group/belonging
          Yo yo, there goes Jay-Z. Damn, hes THAT nigga.

          Hey, is Paul Panoose south indian?
          Heck yeah, Paul Panoose is THAT south indian, bitch.
          by Harman 36 Dromore May 01, 2006
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